The Eur-Agri-SSPs have been developed in an iterative process. Key characteristics of the storylines such as thematic foci, spatial and time scales were defined first. Next relevant stakeholders were identified and categorized and a stakeholder group was established. Storyline elements were identified, clustered and prioritized, which were then used for drafting storylines. Extensive consistency checks as well as several review and revision rounds were conducted until researchers and stakeholders agreed on the final version of the storylines. Various presentation formats (including this website) were developed in order to facilitate dissemination activities. Stakeholders were engaged in several steps of the research process. Such interactions were also evaluated in order to continuously improve working relationships.

For further details, we refer to the article on the Eur-Agri-SSP protocol and the article Eur-Agri-SSPs including its Supplementary Material II, which present a discussion of the scope and methods and preliminary steps towards the final Eur-Agri-SSPs:
Mitter, H; Techen, A; Sinabell, F; Helming, K; Kok, K; Priess, J; Schmid, E; Bodirsky, B; Holman, I; Lehtonen, H; Leip, A; Le Mouël, C; Mathijs, E; Mehdi, B; Michetti, M; Mittenzwei, K; Mora, O; Øygarden, L; Reidsma, P; Schaldach, R; Schönhart, M (2019): A protocol to develop Shared Socio-economic Pathways for European agriculture. Journal of Environmental Management 252, 109701.
Mitter, H., Techen, A.-K., Sinabell, F., Helming, K., Schmid, E., Bodirsky, B.L., Holman, I., Kok, K., Lehtonen, H., Leip, A., Le Mouël, C., Mathijs, E., Mehdi, B., Mittenzwei, K., Mora, O., Øistad, K., Øygarden, L., Priess, J.A., Reidsma, P., Schaldach, R., Schönhart, M., 2020. Shared Socio-economic Pathways for European agriculture and food systems: The Eur-Agri-SSPs. Global Environmental Change 65, 102159.
ss, we refer to the Publications section.